Maria Willett Howard was an assistant to FANNIE MERRITT FARMER at the Boston Cooking School (BCS) along with Charlotte J. Wills, in 1900. When the newly formed Simmons College bought the BCS in 1902, Miss Maria Howard became the interim principal of BCS. As the Boston Cooking School transferred to Simmons, Maria went with it, teaching in the department of “Household Economics” –the phrase “Household Economics” and “Domestic Science” meant a great deal and inspired modern women at the turn of the 20th century.
Maria had to start over with her professional progress, going from principal to teacher, and was finally promoted at Simmons College to assistant professorship in Household Economics in 1906, three years later. She continued as an assistant professor for Simmons for seven years until she quit in 1913. Within this time she was also a lecturer outside of the college, and an expert who was consulted for newspapers.

In 1907 WALTER M LOWNEY hired her to write the cook book for Lowney’s CHOCOLATE COMPANY in Massachusetts. She may be best known for this cookbook, as many people have this vintage cookbook in their collection.
Maria Willett Howard was born in 1865 in Natick, Massachusetts, and died in 1922. She stayed single until she was 49 years old, 1914, with much success behind her, to a widower, 53, Mr. Aubrey Hilliard. the odd thing is that he died four months later of acute indigestion, The optics don’t look good for a domestic science professional, but he died outside the home at a club and perchance that is where he picked up the “indigestion.” A photo of her has yet be found.