1927: A Handbook for Preserving, Canning & Pickling

1927: Preserving, Canning & Pickling, A Handbook.

1927: Preserving, Canning & Pickling, A Handbook
compiled by Dr. D. Jayne & Son, Philadelphia.

In presenting this hand-book to you it is frankly our object to serve two purposes; first to offer you groups of tested recipes for preserving and pickling fruits and vegetables, and secondly, to remind you of the value and usefulness of Dr. D. Jayne’s family medicines. The recipes have all been carefully tested by many housewives with eminently successful results and comprise the most popular home-made sweets and condiments….

Grapefruit Marmalade
1 Orange (with thin skins.)
1 Grapefruit (“)
1 Lemon (“)
Cut up all the fruit, using meat chopper, rejecting only the seeds and hard, white centers. Measure fruit and add three times quantity in water, let stand over night, in the morning put over fire and let boil 10 minutes, let it stand until next morning, then measure, taking 1 pint of sugar to one of fruit, put over the fire and boil until it jellies. Put in tumblers. This makes from twelve to fifteen tumblers.

32-page booklet.