1928: Tested Recipes with Blue Ribbon Malt Extract, Premier Malt Products Co.
Blue Ribbon Malt Extract is a valuable addition to the diet, and a delightful means of bringing new taste to everyday cooking. Its use in bread, for instance, will decrease the leavening time, and produce a larger, lighter loaf of better texture, deeper crust, and more appetizing appearance. Bread and other goods baked with Blue Ribbon Malt Extract will also keep their freshness and tastiness much longer….for some food uses, plain malt extract imparts the desired taste, for others the addition of the tang derived from fragrant hops is an advantage. Old time bakers and chefs knew the advantages of using malt and hops…
For your guidance, we print here a scale of oven heats:
302 to 350 degrees Moderate
352 to 400 degrees Hot
402 to 450 degrees Quick
452 to 500 degrees Very Hot
502 to 550 degrees Broil
Pie Crust
1 1/4 cups flour
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
6 tablespoons lard (Crisco)
5 tablespoons cold water
1/2 teaspoon Blue Ribbon Malt Extract (plain)
Sift dry ingredients together. Mix lard with dry ingredients until flour looks mealy. Add water and Blue Ribbon Malt Extract. Roll out on a floured board. The recipe makes one pie crust.
Pork Pie
1 1/2 cups pork (cut into little pieces)
2 cups milk
3 tablespoons flour
3 tablespoons butter
1 teaspoon Blue Ribbon Malt Extract (plain)
Cut left over pork into cubes, or if raw, cut it and fry until tender. Make a white sauce of the butter, flour, and milk. Season to taste with the salt and pepper. Add the Blue Ribbon Malt Extract to the white sauce. Pour over the meat in a casserole, and let cool. Add sweet potato cookies on top (see page 22). Bake in a moderate oven at 310 degrees F. until the cookies are done. Be careful to keep the white sauce from simmering after it is in the oven.
Beverages With Hop Flavored Malt Extract
Base Syrup
Dissolve Blue Ribbon Malt Extract, Hop Flavored, in the proportion of 1 pound Blue Ribbon to one pint of hot water; mix thoroughly. Cool before using. Do not make up more than two days’ supply at one time. Keep in the ice box. Use the Base Syrup as directed in the following recipes. Where charged water is called for in making up the beverages, use any carbonated water or a syphon bottle.
Hot Lime Fizz
Fill glass half full of cold charged water, stir in 1 tablespoon Base Syrup, the juice of 1/4 lime and 1 heaping teaspoon of sugar to taste. Then fill us glass with cold charged water and stir again.
Hop Gingerade
Make a ginger flavored syrup by stirring 4 ounces of ginger flavoring extract into 1 pint of Base Syrup; or smaller quantities in the same proportion. For 1 glass gingerade fill glass half full of cold charged water, stir in 1 tablespoon ginger flavored syrup, 1 1/2 teaspoon sugar and the juice of 1/4 lemon, then fill up glass with the charged water and stir again. Ginger flavored syrup for gingerade can also be made by using household gingerale extract instead of ginger flavoring extract. In that case use 2 to 3 ounces gingerale extract to one pint of base syrup.
Helpful Hints for Housewives
…Vegetables…They should be completely ripened before storing and then set in cool, but not too cold, dry chamber…
When Making Jelly When the jelly is ready to pour into glasses, put the glasses in a pan of hot water to prevent their cracking. The pan should be shallow and the water about two inches deep.
Soup too Salty
Grate a raw potato and cook it with the soup a few minutes longer. The potato will absorb the salt.
To Cut Warm Foods
Dip a knife in boiling water until heated and you can more cleanly cut warm bread or cake, hard boiled eggs, fudge or caramel candy.
Burning Odors.
Salt sprinkled on any substance burning on the stove will stop the smell.
32-page booklet. Publisher: Premiere Malt Products.
George M. Cox —a brewer from New Orleans who was arrested in 1920 for home brewing— was the owner of this company, and large blocks of the company were also owned by H. Perlstein, president of the company at the time of this booklet. It’s been awhile since I did this research but found this “…they were a home brewer’s supplier during Prohibition disguised as a baking item. It was originally the Pabst Brewing Company purchased by H. Perlstein and his sibling(s) for that purpose.”

The person on the cover is Lena, and there was a Lena doll, right. this is a strange story — just as strange as the cover on this booklet itself. Who was Lena? I believe she was George Cox’s mistress/secretary of eight years before he divorced his wife and married Thelma Agnes Goertz, his young German-American secretary in 1930. “Big George Cox” or “King George” was 52 years old. His secretary, Thelma or “Lena” was 27. The new marriage didn’t last three years. Thelma had a son with him and filed for divorce because of infidelity, etc. etc. same complaints of the first wife.
But when King George and Queen Lena were in their prime, George took out a display newspaper ad with a fanciful line drawing of them naked or in their underwear and jewelry wearing crowns on a Mardi Gras float [par for the course at Mardi Gras?] —
FEBRUARY 19, 1928
“ONCE upon a time there lived a very famous KING; George (himself) by name, and ruler of the Kingdom of Malt. Happy and contented were the people of his country and well did they honor and love their noble King whose rule had always been just and kind. Little did the subjects of this flourishing country of Malt realize what was going to befall them, even before the next moon.
“The gardens were abloom with lights—soft music wafted from the palace windows, fanned by a whispering love breeze—the court was at its height and King George (himself) nodded his approval.
“Suddenly upon this scene dashed a little girl, tattered and torn, and fell at the King’s feet. The court was panic-stricken upon hearing her story—of how a tribe of dragons were sweeping the countries and destroying humanity with their hot breaths. The Kingdom of Malt was in panic and all were ready to flee for their lives when LENA, for that was the little buxom maiden’s name, told of a wonderful MALT EXTRACT called BLUE RIBBON from which she had concocted many renowned dishes, and which was so healthful and invigorating, that should the King’s Army use it they would become so strong that they could easily slay the dragons. King George (himself) placed Lena in his royal kitchen to prepare these wonderful dishes, and as the days went by and her recipes became more and more famous throughout the Country of Malt, it happened that the dragons drew up suddenly upon the populace. But the subjects of Malt were unharmed—Lena’s Malt recipes had made them all healthy, happy and contented—so we leave it to you and your good imagination what the King’s Army did to the wild, fiery dragons. Lena, of course, became the people’s idol, and King George’s too, in fact, for as everyone knows, the way to a man’s heart is through his tummy. So he took Lena out of the kitchen—for a Mardi Gras day—and made her his Queen. And of course they lived happily ever after.
“Long live the King and Queen and their royal subject Blue Ribbon Malt Extract.“
Lena was featured in a number of personalized Blue Ribbon Malt display ads. Lena once could be seen with George at the Elk’s Fashion Show, “Ach! Such a “Blue Ribbon” Car! Look, George look!” And George looked just in time to catch Lena from falling over the balustrade and to see a snappy little black and yellow Auburn go by, “Oh, buy me that,” said Lena, (as you know, America’s best cook) falling completely in love with the little model. “See!” she continued, “everybody loves it.” And sure enough they did, as it was voted the Grand Prize Winner of the Automobile Fashion Show. So George, who loves Lena just as everybody else does, bought Lena the “Blue Ribbon” Auburn. and now each evening when Lena finishes concocting new recipes for Blue Ribbon Malt she and George will ride forth in their Blue Ribbon Auburn.
This was the back drop for many of Blue Ribbon Malt recipe creations.