1920s A Few Cooking Suggestions

1920s: A Few Cooking Suggestions.

1926: A Few Cooking Suggestions
Crisco Recipes

  • Hints for Simplifying Deep Fat Frying
  • Pastry Making
  • Cakes, Cookies and Quick Breads
  • Icing Recipes

Pastry Making
To obtain the best results in any type of pastry, a few general rules should be observed. Do not mix the fat too thoroughly with the flour–the coarser the mixture, the flakeier the crust will be….Add only enough water to hold the dry ingredients together in a lump, so that the mixture may be rolled out to a sheet. Excess water causes the crust to be tough besides involving difficulty in rolling…Do not us too much flour on the board for rolling. A piece of canvas or a heavy towel spread out and will floured is more satisfactory for rolling the dough than a board or enamelled surface. The meshes of the cloth hold just the right amount of flour to keep the dough from sticking. The cloth may be shaken out after each using and folded up for the next time–it does not have to be washed after every pie….
