1880s New Cooking Gadgets
Hand cream-separators
Lenox China
Ball-Mason jars introduced [invented in 1857]
1880s New Foods
- Malted milk
- Powdered pea and beet soups
- Evaporated milk
- Aunt Jemima Pancake Flour
- Coca-Cola
- Moxie
- Dr. Pepper
- Thomas’s English muffins
- Oscar Mayer wieners
- Salada Tea
- Tetley Tea
- Log Cabin Syrup
- Morton’s salt
- Canned meat and fruit in stores: 1880
1880s New Food Companies
- McCormick Spices
- R. T. French
- Maxwell House
- B. H. Kroger
- ConAgra
- White Lily Foods
- Lever Brothers
- Calumet Baking Powder
- Diamond Crystal Salt
- American Cereal
- Manischewitz
- Pillsbury-Washburn Flour Mills
- L’Ecole de Cordon Bleu
1880s Food Industry Beginnings
- Packaging of grain commodities
- Efficiencies in railroad meat shipments
- Pea-viner and podder machine
- Commercial aluminum production
- Ice-making plants start replacing ice-cutting industry
- Self-service restaurant
- Vending machines for gum 1888
1880s Farming Progress
- Long cattle-drives end as railroads enter Texas