1925: Yes! 100 ways to enjoy Bananas

Yes! 100 ways to enjoy Bananas.

1925: Yes! 100 ways to enjoy Bananas

…BANANAS, according to the highest scientific authorities, are the greatest body-builders among fruit-foods. Serving them daily means the saving of money and conserving of health.

8 ripe BANANAS
1 teaspoon chopped pickles
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons lard
Few grains of red pepper, or 1 dessertspoonful chopped chillies.
Slice bananas, mix with salt, chopped pickles and red pepper or chopped chillies, and put them into hot lard. Cook for four minutes and serve.

Stir one-fourth cup of melted butter into two cups of sifted soft bread-crumbs (center of loaf). Sprinkle the bottom of a baking dish with part of the prepared crumbs, cover with sliced bananas, and sprinkle witha little sugar mixed with cinnamon; repeat the layers of buttered crumbs and bananas, until the crumbs are used, having the last layer of crumbs. Add the juice of a lemon or four tablespoons of boiling water; cover and let bake twenty-five minutes, then remove the cover to brown the crumbs. This makes a delicious dessert served hot with cream and sugar, or a hard sauce.

Remove the skin of firm bananas and cut in thin slices. Broil the chops and when about three-fourths cooked set one or two pieces of banana above each chop and finish cooking, turning each piece of banana once. Remove chop and banana together to a hot serving dish.

Cut ripe bananas into small pieces, mash them with a fork,then gently boil in just enough water to cover. Serve with hot milk. A very small quantity of sugar may be added, if required.

Remove the skin and chop five firm bananas very fine. Into a pint of whipped cream stir five well-beaten eggs, then stir in quickly the banana pulp. Turn into a souffle dish, bake in a quick oven until brown and light, and serve immediately with sugar and cream.

3 ripe BANANAS
3/4 cup sugar
1 tablespoon butter
2 eggs
1/8 teaspoon salt
1/3 cup flour
3/4 cup boiling water
1/4 teaspoon vanilla
6 tablespoons sugar
Line a medium-sized pie plate with pastry having a fluted edge and bake at 500 degrees F. for twelve minutes. Meanwhile cream together the three-fourths cupful of sugar and the butter, add the egg-yolks beaten slightly, the flour and boiling water and cook in the top of a double-boiler, stirring constantly, until thickened. Cool and add the vanilla. Remove the skin and slice the bananas and place a layer of them in the bottom of the baked pastry shell. Spread with a layer of the cream filling, lay on another of the bananas, and top with cream filling. Make a meringue from the two egg-whites and six tablespoons of sugar, arrange on the top of the pie, and bake at 300 degrees F. for fifteen minutes, or until a delicate brown.

16-page booklet.