c 1910: New Perfection Cook Book

stoves new perfection cook book.

c. 1910: New Perfection Cook Book with inserts: handwritten recipe and illustrated stove instruction booklet, Directions for Assembling… New Perfection Ovens.

Directions and Suggestions for Using…Wick Blue Flame Oil Cooking Stoves; How to Measure; To Cook Cereals; Catalog of Stove Products; Recipes: Bread, Rolls, etc.; Biscuits, Breakfast Cakes and Shortcakes; Eggs; Soups; Sea Foods; Meats; Poultry and Game; Luncheon Dishes and Warmed Over Dishes; Ways of Using Left-Overs; Pies; Puddings; Gingerbreads and Cookies; Cake; Frostings for Cake; Beverages; Candies; Directions for Canning; Foods Prepared for the Sick; Index.

To Make Chocolate for an Afternoon “At Home”
Provide 1 pound Baker’s chocolate for every twenty guests. Cut each pound into small pieces and add a pint of boiling water and 1 pound of brown sugar. Boil together until a thick syrup is formed which is smooth and creamy, stirring often. Allow 1 quart of milk to every quart of chocolate syrup if a rich beverage is desired. Heat milk and add gradually to syrup until it is sufficiently thinned to pour well. Remove from fire, add vanilla if desired, and beat with an egg-beater.

Quaker Oats Bread
1 Cup Quaker Rolled Oats,
2 Cups boiling water.
Heaping teaspoon salt.
Scant 1/2 cup molasses.
1 Tablespoon lard.
1 Yeast cake.
1 Quart sifted bread flour.
Pour boiling water on oats, add molasses, salt and shortening. Let mixture stand until cool. Add 1/2 yeast cake dissolved in a little lukewarm water and flour. Knead, let it rise over night, make into loaves; let rise again and bake.

1 Cup sugar.
1/2 Cup flour.
1/2 Cup melted butter.
1/2 Cup broken walnuts.
2 Eggs.
2 Squares chocolate.
Mix and bake in a shallow pan, garnishing the top with nuts. Cut in squares. Use high flame.

Ice Cream Candy
3 Cups sugar.
1/4 Teaspoon cream tartar.
1/2 Cup hot water.
1/2 Tablespoon vinegar.
Boil ingredients together, without stirring, until mixture becomes brittle when dropped in cold water. Turn on buttered plates. As edges cool, fold them toward the center. When sufficiently cool to handle, pull until white and glossy. While pulling, flavor with vanilla, orange, chocoate or any preferred flavoring. Cut with scissors or a sharp knife.

Directions for Sealing with PAROWAX
(Pure Refined Paraffine)

After the preserves have thoroughly cooled, be careful to clean off the inside rim of the glass with a damp cloth. Then pour about a quarter of an inch of melted Parowax over the preserves. As soon as the Parowax cools the glasses may be set away. The preserves are now air-tight and no other cover is necessary.

Old Fashioned Mince Meat
2 Bowl chopped apples.
1 Bowl meat.
1 1/2 Cups molasses.
1 Pint old cider.
1 Lb. raisins.
1 Lb. currants.
1 Cup sugar.
1 Lbs. Suet, chopped fine.
1 Quart water, in which beef was cooked.
1/4 Pound citron chopped fine.
Mix ingredients, heat gradually, stir occasionally and cook slowly two hours over a low flame. Add ground spices to taste after mince meat is cooked or when making pies.
