1909 Karo Cook Book with handwritten recipes

1900s Karo Cook Book.

1909: Karo Cook Book
Emma Churchman Hewitt, Former Associate Editor
Ladies Home Journal

Corn Products Refining Co., New York

Pumpkin Pie
To prepare pumpkin for pie, do not stew. Cut pumpkin in half and bake, open side down. By this means, all moisture is drained away and the pulp does not require any pressing. When pumpkin is soft (not browned) the skin can be readily removed and the flesh mashed. To one cup pumpkin pulp ad one level teaspoon salt, one saltspoon mace, one teaspoon cinnamon, two-thirds cup Karo Corn Syrup. Turn in one well-beaten egg and one cup each cream and boiling hot milk. Beat well together and bake either with or without crust. Many people like the latter way, regarding this preparation as a kind of pudding or custard.

Coffee Sauce
To two cups strong coffee, add three-fourths cup Karo Corn Syrup. Put to boil. While boiling take from fire and pour over one tablespoonful Kingsford’s Cornstarch and one well-beaten egg. Stir quickly and constantly. If actually boiling, there should be sufficient heat to cook both cornstarch and egg into a creamy custard, which may be used as a sauce.

Whip one pint cream and set aside. Beat eight eggs, adding gradually ten tablespoonfuls sugar, then two tablespoons Karo Corn Syrup. Bring to a boil one gallon milk, slightly thickened with Kingsford’s Cornstarch, and stir in eggs and sugar very slowly. Brown a cup of sugar to a good caramel and pour it into the hot custard, stirring briskly the while. Take off fire at once, and stir until cool. Put in freezer, and when sufficiently frozen to bind, stir in whipped cream and finish freezing.

Ten-Minute Molasses Candy [one of five handwritten recipes]
One cup of molasses, 1/2 cup of sugar, 1 tea-spoonful of vinegar, a piece of butter the size of a walnut. Boil ten minutes.

Oatmeal Scones
To a gill of boiling water, add a piece butter the size of a walnut and a quarter teaspoon baking soda with a good teaspoon Karo Corn Syrup. Turn this liquid over a cupful cold porridge, which must be very stiff. Turn out on board and mold into flat mass. Flour rolling pin well and roll out thin. Bake very slowly on griddle. When desire for table, toast for ten minutes. Delicious served with Karo Corn Syrup and cream.

46-48-page booklet, including covers.