1893 Beef Stroganoff Recipe

PROPORTIONS..—For five persons:

Beef (tenderloin, roll or steak)….2 lbs.
Butter…………………………3 tablespoonsful.
Flour………………………….1 tablespoonful.
Cream………………………….2 glassesful.
Worcestershire sauce…………….2 tablespoonsful.

Time.–25 minutes.

PREPARATION.–1st. Slice your beef in slices the size of a half dollar but twice as thick. 2d. Let brown 1 chopped onion in a sauce pan with 3 tablespoonsful butter, add the sliced meat and let fry for about 5 minutes. 3d. Sprinkle over 1 tablespoonful flour, 2 glassesful cream, 2 tablespoonsful Worcestershire Sauce. Add some chopped parsley, let cook awhile and serve in a warm hollow dish.

La Cuisine Francois by François Tanty, 1893, Chicago: Baldwin, Ross & Co., page 75. Tanty did not invent the dish, as it originated formally in mid-1800s Russia, adapted from a Russian country dish for the Stroganoff family. The first known mention of Beef Stroganoff in a cookbook is in 1871, and it included mustard. Find updated history of Beef Stroganoff [wiki].